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Virtual Summits

If you’re thinking about running a virtual event you’ve come to the right place. At Langan Digital we are a full-stack marketing agency FIRST... and virtual event experts SECOND. That means we run our clients virtual events with PROFIT in mind. In the last two years we have run some of the largest and most successful virtual events in the world… in fact we have a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ certificate to prove it. We have helped several of our clients build their authority, build their brand, and PROFIT with our end-to-end solutions for virtual events. So what are you waiting for, book a call with us before doing your first (or next) virtual event, and see why we’re different

Media Buying

Have you been told you should be running social media ads for your business? Maybe you've even dabbled with it and "boosted" some posts. Well at LD we don't dabble, we dominate paid advertising. We've managed multiple millions in ad spend for businesses across the spectrum. Want a paid ads consultation? Just schedule a call with us and we'll show you what we can do!

Lead Generation

Generating consistent leads for your business is crucial to its survival...the problem is many business do not have a consistent, measurable way to generate leads. At Langan Digital we bring unique and creative ideas to our clients to generate leads on a consistent basis using best practices in paid media, email marketing, and organic marketing. Schedule a call with us and see what we can come u with for your business.

Website Design

What's the point of a website? Everyone tells you that you need one, but what's the point? Most websites are made with no clear goal. We understand that websites should be created with a clear goal in mind, and for most of our clients it's all about bring them MORE business! We'll show you how to build a website that grows your business, and doesn't just sit there collecting cyber dust. 

Project Management Services

Want to know the biggest problem with most marketing projects? They are poorly organized! At Langan Digital we integrate with your team to create a detailed and structured marketing plan so we can work with you to meet deadlines, stay organized, and most importantly get you results. When you work with us you don't have to worry about a project not getting completed. 

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Custom Sales Funnels

What makes a great sales funnel?  Well, we think it’s about having a great offer flow, compelling copywriting, beautiful design, and powerful automations and tracking. The problem is MOST agencies only focus on the design part of the equation... leaving you with a sales funnel that looks great, but literally does not work. This usually requires lots of time for you or your team trying to get it to the finish line instead of starting to bring in sales. At LD we understand the importance of a COMPLETE sales funnel, that looks great, works great, and most importantly CONVERTS great. Let us handle your custom sales funnel build from start to finish, and we guarantee you'll have a working sales funnel in no time!

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Agency Services